//super awesome !
The Iron Lady



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Zuraini Izzati

they make me happy everyday :)

Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.

This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.

<3 The Rainbow Stripes <3
--> najmi, aleen, kemy, Is, yana n aisya. depadepaa nii sllu bwt aku hepy. aku ssh kaa sng kaa, depa sllu ad dgn aku :D ilovethemsomuchmuchhh (:

<3 1K2 ( 2010 ) , 2K2 ( 2011 )
--> depa ni clasmate akuu, huu depa ni best gylaa, sporting, lwk, riuh. klw tkda depa, klaiih tuu tkla meriah. act klaih ktaorg tkbsing pun. sb klaih km baek :D 

<3 Ex- Asma <3
--> aku rendu hmpa sgt sgtt. aku rendu smua stndard 6 time 2009 dulu. time nk exam, kta smua rpt. dok skli dlm dewan. study sb nk exam, rendu gylaa time tu. rendu time lawatan :( rendu anis, bat, iffah, ida n 6U2 jgk. 

<3 kak syud <3
--> hm tktw nk kata paa. btw, congrats result yg memuaskan :D

<3 syahirah yusra <3
--> rendu time dulu dulu, rpt jerr dgn dea. skg ni, i dont know why, sllu jaa ad bnd yg halang. sokay, hopefully our frendship bkkalan.

<3 kak aten <3
--> tringin nk call deaa, dgq dea nyanyi lgu jb. huu, suda jd memory dh. now, she doesnt like me, yaa I think so. hm sokay, sorry fr my mstakes I've done.

<3 Ika, Mia, Syahmi, Nurul<3
--> lama tkkuaq kuaqq dgn depa ptg ptg, rendu sgt time tuu. dok maen bola bracun, bdminton. puasa dok kt umh ikaa, smua bule d ktakan kt umh Ikaa.

<3 kak zaty, kak ***** <3
--> im speechless, ily :D

<3 Fueba <3
depa baek, sukaa :D

thats all, sorry if ad yg aku tktlis. myb aku lupa. n sorry if ad yg mnykitkn atyy. byee, love u (:
*sorry, tkltakkn gmbr. nk loading pnylaa lama. penat tggu :D